New publications
Donors stimulate programs to target, achieve, asses and report system changes. That is both challenging and crucial. This slide deck summarises the roles and responsibilities of donors throughout the project management cycle on their steering role and on their enabling roles . It’s an easy read, concise and with lots of hyperlinks to existing guidance on system change and good practices.
More work to be done. A slide deck on how to do that.
Are you also concerned with unemployment rates? Are you also often disappointed with programs’ impact on under- and unemployment? Do you wish to make a difference for your target group? Then take 30 minutes to scan this slide deck that will help you design and steer employment programs better.
In simple language, it takes you through why employment needs to be decent and inclusive, how to start, how to monitor results and a number of key frequently asked questions and focus areas.
A slide deck developed for the Economy and Education (E+E) division of the Swiss Development and Cooperation SDC
September 2023
Productivity indicators are no proxy for target group’s well-being
Low productivity is often a key constraint in many sectors. Yet, sector productivity is rarely a good indicator for improved livelihoods of target groups. It says nothing about the root causes of low productivity and it says nothing about the resulting benefits of increased sector productivity. A systemic approach is needed, defining relevant sector and target group performance indicators to assess why root causes change and how that affects the target groups’ well-being.
A guidance paper developed for the Economy and Education (E+E) division of the Swiss Development and Cooperation SDC
September 2023