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Advanced Training Workshop 
Results Measurement November 2023

In 2021 the workshop was held online in groups for different geographical regions to reach practitioners at reasonable cost with an experience that still replicates in-person interaction.  The workshop brought together experienced results measurement practitioners to share lessons learned, exchange practical approaches to address identified challenges and build a supportive network.  The content was demand driven, based on interaction with participants in advance . Workshop participants f have reported that they gained new ideas, practical solutions to results measurement.

There is another advanced training workshop planned for October  2023, in Bangkok.

Contact the organisers or search for more information at the DCED website

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Results Measurement
for Sustainable Private Sector Development


The course is designed to maximise participant interaction and learning from experience: most of the time participants will work on real life cases brought in by the trainers, as well as working on cases brought in by the participants.  The course will be conducted 100% live including short presentations, exercises, real life cases, break out groups, discussions and debates in an on-line environment, as if we were all in one (physical) location.  The course will be conducted over two consecutive weeks: short, intensive, participatory and without much homework, using group dynamics and creating a steep learning curve



Results Measurement

Short 1 or 2-day workshops to introduce MRM, or to focus on specific elements of MRM only, depending on the needs of the workshop participants.

Tailor-made courses lasting 3-5 days provide the participants with the skills to develop and use a suitable MRM system in their program or organization/



Market Systems Development

Courses pay attention to theoretical concepts yet focus on the practice that managers and staff in MSD projects need, for them to be able to analyze sectors, develop strategies, identify partners, develop innovative business models and to manage the intervention and partnership. 

Courses will be tailor-made to the needs of the programs and participants. Courses have been conducted in Fiji, Nepal, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Timor Leste.


Adaptive Management and Results Measurement


This – exclusively for managers  of Private Sector Development  programs in implementing agencies – will introduce you to the key principles, practices and tips that will enable you to manage your program effectively by adapting your portfolio, strategies and interventions based upon effective results measurement that is used for managing, learning and reporting results


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